Digital Hiring Agreement

Current Progress

  • Resource & Availability (Active)
  • Hirer Requirements
  • Hire Details
  • Activities
  • Review & Agree

COVID-19 - Important Hire Information

While mask wearing, social distancing and checking in with the track and trace app are no longer legal requirements, they do remain important according to medical experts and we will ask hirers to consider continuing to do these things based on what is appropriate for the attendees at their events. We will also ask hirers to keep contact details for all attendees at their event for 21 days (but we will not ask hirers to share this with us) and to agree to our passing hirer contact details to Bracknell Forest Council for track and trace purposes if we learn of any Centre visitor testing positive for Covid.

Thank you for your support and understanding!

Planned Date/Time & Resources

Slots are limited to the public due to volunteer availability to open and close the centre. Please use the Browse Availability button to check when the centre is available. If one of the available slots suits your needs, please enter the date and slot below.

If you are interested in hiring the whole building for your chosen slot or if you would like to occupy two available ajacent slots please specify this in the special request text box (including your proposed start and end times). If we are able to accomodate your request, we will edit your agreement on approval.

If you would like to request committee approval for a booking that is outside the standard slots available on this site, please complete the form on the contact us page detailing your specific requirements and we'll be in touch.

Expected format: DD-MON-YYYY

Data Protection Statement

The Parks Community Association (TPCA) recognises that it has statutory obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR from 25th May 2018 to maintain accurate data safe from unauthorised use and access. Information about what personal data is collected and how data is handled can be reviewed in our data policy on this website including your rights as a user.

Digital Hiring Agreement

Current Progress

  • Resource & Availability (Active)
  • Hirer Requirements
  • Hire Details
  • Activities
  • Review & Agree