Regular Activities

We have a diverse range of regular activities. Please use the listing below to search for activities of interest, where you will find a short description and how to book onto an event.

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to seeing you soon!

COVID-19 - Important Information

Further to the Government allowing use of Community Centres again the Committee are working hard to re-open the Centre. There are many rules and restrictions that must be followed and full risk assessments made of the building and the events that take place there. This is a complicated process that takes time and must meet Bracknell Forest Council approval.

We hope to re-open the centre for some of our classes in the next few weeks but sadly we have had to defer accepting private bookings for the time being.
Activity Name:
Ascot Speakers
WhereFrequencyDaysExcl School HolidaysExcl Public HolidaysDescriptionWebsiteBooking Information
Main HallMonthlyWednesday (2nd & 4th)N/AYes
THE PARKS GROUP 7.45 - 9.45pm - Every Second Wednesday

If you want to improve your confidence in speaking before an audience – then you’ve found the right place. 

Ascot Speakers is a public speaking club based in Ascot Berkshire, affiliated to Toastmasters International. 

Whether you want to give business presentations, speak at conferences, run training sessions, or just make people laugh, Toastmasters is great way to build your public speaking skills.
Ascot SpeakersSee website
Activity Name:
Bracknell Higashi Karate Club
WhereFrequencyDaysExcl School HolidaysExcl Public HolidaysDescriptionWebsiteBooking Information
Main HallWeeklyWednesdayN/AYes
Juniors (5-14) Karate club.
Bracknell Higashi Karate ClubContact the club via their facebook page
Activity Name:
Bracknell Team Ministry - Mosaic
WhereFrequencyDaysExcl School HolidaysExcl Public HolidaysDescriptionWebsiteBooking Information
Main HallWeeklySundayN/AN/A
THE PARKS GROUP 10.30am start

We’re part of Bracknell Team Ministries, the Church of England.
Inspired by a God whose love is infinite and whose creativity is limitless we are excited to introduce Mosaic Bracknell. It’s a place where everyone can belong – especially if you have no church background up to now.
Bracknell Team Ministry - MosaicSee website
Activity Name:
Core Football Academy
WhereFrequencyDaysExcl School HolidaysExcl Public HolidaysDescriptionWebsiteBooking Information
Main HallWeeklySaturdayN/AYes
THE PARKS CLASS 9.00 - 11.00am

Football sessions for children from aged 18 months old. 
09:00-09:30 -Toddler Session
09:30-10:15 - Junior Session
10:15-11:00 -  Advanced session
Core Football AcademyCore Football Academy
Activity Name:
Little Blossoms Harmans Water
WhereFrequencyDaysExcl School HolidaysExcl Public HolidaysDescriptionWebsiteBooking Information
Main HallWeeklyMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, FridayYesYes
THE PARKS GROUP 8.30 - 3.30pm

At The Parks, we are a setting with a high ratio of trained staff providing outstanding childcare, we support children with English as an additional language and special educational needs, We provide sessional and full day care. We accept Early Years Funding and childcare vouchers.
Little Blossoms Harmans WaterSee website
Activity Name:
Pilates Rocks
WhereFrequencyDaysExcl School HolidaysExcl Public HolidaysDescriptionWebsiteBooking Information
Main HallWeeklyMondayN/AYes
Pilates RocksN/A
Activity Name:
The Parks Rainbows
WhereFrequencyDaysExcl School HolidaysExcl Public HolidaysDescriptionWebsiteBooking Information
Main HallWeeklyThursdayYesYes
THE PARKS GROUP 5.30 - 6.30pm

There's lots of fun things for you to see and do. You can watch films, sing along to songs and find activities to try at home or at your Rainbows meeting. What will you do today?
The Parks RainbowsSee website
Activity Name:
The Parks Scouts
WhereFrequencyDaysExcl School HolidaysExcl Public HolidaysDescriptionWebsiteBooking Information
Main HallWeeklyFridayYesYes
THE PARKS GROUP 6.00 - 8.00pm

Berkshire Scouts supports Scouting in more than a hundred communities across Berkshire providing fun, challenge and adventure for more than 9,200 young people aged 6 to 25.
The Parks ScoutsSee website
Activity Name:
The Parks Scouts (Beavers)
WhereFrequencyDaysExcl School HolidaysExcl Public HolidaysDescriptionWebsiteBooking Information
Main HallWeeklyWednesdayYesYes
THE PARKS GROUP 6.00 - 7.00pm

Beavers in Scouting- 6-8 year olds having fun and adventure.
The Parks Scouts (Beavers)See website
Activity Name:
Zumba With Carolyn
WhereFrequencyDaysExcl School HolidaysExcl Public HolidaysDescriptionWebsiteBooking Information
Main HallWeeklyThursdayYesYes
THE PARKS CLASS 6.30 - 7.30pm

A total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class.
Zumba With CarolynSee website
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Calendar (Events & Hire Availability)

Please contact individual organisers if you wish to book onto a regular event.

March 2025