
The Parks Community Association is a group of volunteers living on The Parks with an aim to managing The Parks Community Centre.

COVID-19 - Centre Reopening

We are pleased to be able to announce that following the relaxation by the government of some Covid-related restrictions, we are now in a position to be able to accept private hire bookings once again, for dates starting from early August.

You will notice a few differences at least for the next few months. Due to the need for the centre to be fully cleaned between different groups, we will only be able to host one event a day (previously we could offer two booking slots to different groups).

While mask wearing, social distancing and checking in with the track and trace app are no longer legal requirements, they do remain important according to medical experts and we will ask hirers to consider continuing to do these things based on what is appropriate for the attendees at their events. We will also ask hirers to keep contact details for all attendees at their event for 21 days (but we will not ask hirers to share this with us) and to agree to our passing hirer contact details to Bracknell Forest Council for track and trace purposes if we learn of any Centre visitor testing positive for Covid.

Over the next few weeks we hope to welcome back some of our regular hirers too, we will publicise restarting information for these groups and classes when they confirm their plans.

Please remember the centre is primarily managed by volunteers and we expect many enquiries about our reopening, so please allow a few days for responses.

We also need volunteers to open and close for our private events, without them the centre would not be able to open! Visit the Community Events page to submit your details.

Thank you for your support and understanding!

Tennis Courts and MUGA

Please note the Community Centre do not manage the Tennis Courts or Multi-use Games Area - if you are interested in obtaining more information about the use of these facilities, use the following links below:

Parks Tennis Application - Bracknell Forest Council

Contact Bracknell Forest Council - Parks and Countryside for information on hiring the MUGA.

Calendar (Events & Hire Availability)

Check out a listing of Regular Activities at the Centre here. Please contact individual organisers if you wish to book onto a regular event.

March 2025

Rainbow at The Parks

Next Meetings

Next Community Association & Residents Association Meeting(s):

Nothing in the calendar at the moment. Check back soon.

Upcoming Community Event(s):

Nothing in the calendar at the moment. Check back soon.

Volunteer to help us at a Community Event

Community Centre Facebook Feed

More Information

If there’s anything you would like to know which isn’t covered on this site, please feel free to contact us or come to one of our meetings at the centre.

The committee members of the association are all volunteers. We welcome any new volunteers being involved.